Sunday 30 December 2012

10 Doomsday Predictions That Failed Finally!

Friday (21/12) yesterday could be regarded as one of the most anticipated day by people around the world. Some people are waiting with curiosity, others are waiting with dread. But there is also a nonchalant.

Not without reason, as a result of counting the Mayan calendar ending on December 21, 2012, many parties in the world who thought that yesterday it was the end of the world, even the inspiration for the 2012 film.

But do not worry, now you're up to on Saturday (22/12) which gradually makes a lot of people do not believe that the Mayan apocalypse style. Not just this once, the world was already often got doomsday prophecy apparently nothing happened. What are ya doomsday predictions that ultimately failed?

1. Chicken Seers of Leeds: 1806

Many scriptures that says that when the apocalypse comes, there will be no prophet who descended to Earth. However, it may be 'prophet' of the strangest is a chicken laying origin of Leeds, England in 1806 ago. Chickens produce eggs initially suspected that says 'Christ is coming'. With more and more people who believe in apocalypse actually arrives and makes one curious about watching the hen when bertelor. The result? He saw there was a con man who wrote that sentence in the chicken egg.

2. The Millerite: 23 April 1843

A British farmer named William Miller who have for years been studying the Bible independently concluded with his personal interpretation that God chose to destroy the world between 21 March 1843-21 March 1844. Miller even has named Millerite followers who believe Judgment on 23 April 1843. Many believe to sacrifice much of their property, but when they realize God never arrived, the assembly was dissolved and now they form a movement known as the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

3. Armageddon / Apocalypse Mormons: 1891 or earlier

Mormon church founder Joseph Smith called a meeting of the church in February 1835 to tell him that he had just talked to God. During the conversation with God (or whoever), Smith states that Jesus will come down to earth in the next 56 years and the end times begin. Does it happen?

4. Halley's Comet: 1910

In 1881 an astronomer from spectral analysis discovered a comet's tail contained a deadly gas called cyanogen (from the origin of the word cyanide). Initially normal, until someone realized that the orbit of Halley's comet called the come into contact with the Earth's orbit in 1910. After much public anxiety because of suspected toxic gas that can make a lot of people dead and destroyed the human race, scientists explained that there was nothing to worry about coming to an end that is not happening.

5. Pat Robertson: 1982

In May 1980, televangelist and Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson's surprise (and crazy) said in a TV show, 700 Club to the entire audience that he knows when doomsday happens (which is actually in all religious scriptures say that no living beings and angels who knows when Judgment except God Almighty). With Robertson specifically stated that in 1982 will be doomsday, the result? You can still live up to 2012 right?

6. Heaven's Gate: 1997

In 1997, there was a comet Hale-Bopp that came with insane issues that a UFO that followed. The arrival of the comet is covered by NASA and the astronomical community, even though the allegations were denied by astronomers (and other sane people). Rumor has it inspired a bevy of Heaven's Gate who believe that UFO's that will bring them avoid the end of the world. The result was the world's end 39 people committed suicide with the understanding that their spirits picked up by UFO's on March 26, 1997.

7. Arrival New Century: 2000

When the last century to a close, the turn of the millennium in 2000 it had made a lot of issues apocalypse. Some of these are computers that are thought to make the apocalypse and the author of the book 5/5/2000 Ice: the Ultimate Disaster, Richard Noone in 1997 who believed that the mass of the Antarctic ice sheets would be as thick as 3 miles on May 5, 2000. Surprisingly, the exact date to sejajarnya planets in the solar system. But the fact is happening is when the date passed to 12 years now, the Earth has not been frozen.

8. Nostradamus: August 1999

Michel de Nostradame papers that are confusing to many metaphorical phrases that attract the attention of many people for over 400 years. Some predictions are considered appropriate including one, "The year 1999, seventh month. From the sky came a great king of terror," which makes people think doomsday will occur. But, perhaps like Nostradamus made a mistake because it did not happen.

9. God's Church Ministry: Autumn 2008

Ronald Weinland, the pastor of God's Church declared that the end will come (again). His book 2008: God's Final Witness, published in 2006 mentions that there will be hundreds of millions of people died by the end of 2006, the famous writings like, "Most older would only have 2 years left before the world was experiencing a period of the worst in human history. Autumn 2008 later America will collapse as a country will not be a powerful and independent state again. Ronald Weinland his reputation as God's end-time prophet, "And what is proven? Oh do not waste your time to think about it.

10. Harold Camping: 2011

Pastor Evangelical Christian denominations, warned people in the world to face the apocalypse that will come on Friday, October 21, 2011 last. Doomsday forecasters from California had twice incorrectly predicted the coming apocalypse. First Harold Camping predicted Judgment on September 6, 1994 and May 21, 2011. Incorrectly three times, Camping finally repents. Even a mild stroke Camping, what is karma from God?



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